Mouth Ulcers: Symptoms and Treatment

Clove Dental
3 min readJul 18, 2022


A small and painful lesion that occurs in the mouth or at the base of the gums is known as a mouth ulcer. They are also known as canker sores. People with family histories, adolescents and women are more prone to having canker sores. People having ulcers find it difficult to talk, eat or drink.

The canker sores usually go away within a week and are not contagious. If an individual gets an ulcer that is large, paining extremely or lasts for a long time without healing, they might need to consult and visit the doctors.

Mouth ulcers

What are the major causes behind the occurrence of mouth ulcers?

The doctors do not know the actual cause behind the occurrence of canker sores. However, a few factors have been discovered and identified. Mentioned below are some of the major causes behind canker sores.

  • minor mouth injury from dental work, hard brushing, sports injury, or accidental bite
  • toothpaste and mouth rinses that contain sodium lauryl sulphate
  • food sensitivities to acidic foods like strawberries, citrus, and pineapples, and other trigger foods like chocolate and coffee
  • lack of essential vitamins, especially B-12, zinc, folate, and iron
  • allergic response to mouth bacteria
  • dental braces
  • hormonal changes during menstruation
  • emotional stress or lack of sleep
  • bacterial, viral, or fungal infections

Mouth ulcers can also be a sign of more serious conditions requiring medical treatment. Some of them are mentioned below.

  • celiac disease (a condition in which the body is unable to tolerate gluten)
  • inflammatory bowel disease
  • diabetes mellitus
  • Behcet’s disease (a condition that causes inflammation throughout the body)
  • a malfunctioning immune system that causes your body to attack the healthy mouth cells instead of viruses and bacteria
  • HIV/AIDs

Symptoms of canker sores

Mentioned below are the three major signs and symptoms of having canker sores.


Minor canker sores are small oval or round ulcers. It heals within one to two weeks with no scarring.


Major canker sores are larger and deeper than minor ones. They have irregular edges and can take up to six weeks to heal. Major mouth ulcers can result in long-term scarring.


Herpetiform canker sores are pinpoint in size, occur in clusters of 10 to 100, and often affect adults. This type of mouth ulcer has irregular edges and will often heal without scarring within one to two weeks.

Individuals should see the doctor if they develop any of the issues mentioned below.

  • unusually large mouth ulcers
  • new mouth ulcers before the old ones heal
  • sores that persist for more than three weeks
  • painless sores
  • mouth ulcers that extend to the lips
  • pain that can’t be controlled with over-the-counter or natural medication
  • severe problems eating and drinking
  • high fever or diarrhoea whenever the canker sores appear

The doctor will be able to diagnose mouth ulcers through a visual exam. Anyone with frequent, severe mouth ulcers might be tested for other medical conditions.

How is a mouth ulcer treated?

Most mouth ulcers don’t need treatment. However, some of the treatment methods for the ulcer are mentioned below.

  • using a rinse of saltwater and baking soda
  • placing milk of magnesia on the mouth ulcer
  • covering mouth ulcers with baking soda paste
  • using over-the-counter benzocaine (topical anaesthetic) products like Orajel or Anbesol
  • applying ice to canker sores
  • using a mouth rinse that contains a steroid to reduce pain and swelling
  • using topical pastes
  • placing damp tea bags on your mouth ulcer
  • taking nutritional supplements like folic acid, vitamin B-6, vitamin B-12, and zinc
  • trying natural remedies such as chamomile tea, echinacea, myrrh, and liquorice root

The bottom line

Many people suffer from mouth ulcers which are also known as canker sores. It makes them feel uncomfortable while eating, drinking, or speaking. People suffering from more pain must visit Clove Dental or explore the website.



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