How Is Tooth Implantation Done? Clove Dental

Clove Dental
3 min readJul 26, 2022


People lose their teeth in several cases, for example, having a bad fall down, getting hit in the mouth while playing, and more. All these happen more with children and teenagers. Therefore, the adults or the parents of children might select the option of having new artificial teeth as the replacement for missing teeth. The artificial teeth recommended by dentists are attached inside or nearby the jawbone with the help of dental implants.

How Are Dental Implants Done In People?

The overall procedures involved in the dental implant need around 3 to 9 months with multiple steps. Before the process is completed, many types of oral specialists are required to get in touch, such as oral surgeons, periodontists, etc.


The teeth, jawbone, and gums are analysed and evaluated in the initial stage. It is an essential step because the dentist determines how healthy is your jawbone, will it be able to have or manage the implant, and more. If any person’s jawbone is too soft or thin, other processes are recommended before going ahead. Before starting the implants, the dentists perform a procedure known as bone grafting.

The oral surgeons or dentists also check if you have or if there is a sign of periodontal disease in the gums. If you have such issues, they recommend getting them treated first. In the implantation procedure, one or two teeth are usually replaced with another. It depends upon the person and how many teeth they want to get replaced. It also depends on the scope and type of the process they expect.

The implantation surgery is a clinical or outpatient process. It can be performed only with local anaesthesia, general anaesthesia, or some sedatives. The oral surgeon tells you about the type of anaesthesia that will be provided to you before starting the surgery.

Placement of implant

If any person is going to have endosteal surgical implantation:

  • The dentist or dental surgeon cuts the gum and gets the jawbone underneath exposed.
  • By using the drilling instrument, holes are drilled deep inside the bone. In the spot, the implant posts are inserted.
  • In the case of temporary and removable implants, the dentures are placed above the hole. It is done until the permanent implant gets attached to it.

The people who get a subperiosteal implant, their jawbones are not drilled or made holes in the jawbone. The implant posts are placed above or on the bone. The people feel some swelling and discomfort once the implantation is done.

It does not depend on the type of implant people receive. Everyone with implantations feels a bit of pain, swelling and discomfort afterwards for multiple days or weeks. However, after the implant is done, most people can carry on with their day-to-day activities.

Combining the bone or osseointegration

Once the implantation is complete, it takes around 2 to 6 months before the new bone grows enough around the implant and screw. The process helps in combining with the bone and is known as osseointegration.

The natural jawbone grows and makes itself stronger around the implant in the process of osseointegration. However, to work and function as an artificial tooth’s root, it has to be kept firmly in a particular place.

Tooth placement

After the healing, the dentist or oral surgeon gives the teeth the right impression. It is done to make the artificial teeth look like the original ones. They can be made in two ways, either fixed or removable. The new teeth feel like natural ones. People should brush and floss their teeth daily and should take proper care. They should ensure to visit the dentist regularly for checkups.

The bottom line

The artificial teeth are placed in the mouth by performing dental implants. It is usually done by drilling in the jawbone, which works as the replaced tooth’s root. The procedure involves several steps and takes many months to be done entirely. However, they look like natural teeth and last for several decades. Explore the website to know more.



Clove Dental

Clove Dental clinic in Corporate Office North is a part of India’s largest dental clinic chain. Offering an array of dental treatments.